
Central Wildcat Cheerleaders

Cheer Motions

Stunt Positions





Arabesque-The bases hold the straight leg and the flyer lifts the other leg straight behind her. The flyer's straight leg should be at a 90-degree angel.

Awesome-This stunt is excuated like an extension and the flyers feet are together. Also called cupie. 

Basket toss-   The flyer is tossed up in the air. When the flyer hits the peak of the toss she can perform a stunt (toe touch, back tuck,) etc. Once they have performed the stunt the flyer snaps back into a cradle position.

Bow-N-Arrow- Flyer is in a heel stretch.The extended leg is up next to the head, and is held by the opposite hand.The other arm is in a "T" motion.

Extension-  The flyers legs should be shoulder width apart. Both legs need to be locked-out.

Full Twist Cradle- This is done by the bases popping the flyer from a stunt like they would for a cradle. Once the flyer is popped into the air she does a full turn and lands in the cradle position.

Heel Stretch-  The flyer stands on one leg, usually the right leg. The other leg is held in the air with the same hand.

Liberty-   The flyer stands on one leg while raising the other leg to the straight legs knee.The bent leg should be flat on top and pressed tightly against the knee.

ReLoad- The flyer is in a stunt and the bases bring her down in one motion from the stunt to the loading position then back into another stunt.





 Heel Stretch



bow and arrow