
Central Wildcat Cheerleaders

Cheer Motions

Stunt Positions





Back HandSprings

Begin as if you are sitting in a chair. As you sit back, you will feel you are about to fall on your behind; Then you jump hard, pulling the legs over the head. Push hard off of the hands, and keep the arms straight and strong.


Used to describe a cartwheel without hands touching the ground or floor. Sometimes refers to a round off without hands.


Handstand standing on your hands with your feet extended towards the ceiling, shoulders are open, body is hollow.


straight or slightly arched body position, may be seen during a movement or a still position


a position in which the knees and hips are bent and drawn into the chest; the body is folded at the waist

Round off

A fast cartwheel where both hands hit the ground, the feet are brought together into a handstand position and then snapped quickly to the ground together.


tumbler turns sideways from a standing position, to a handstand, and then back to a standing position.


the move where a tumbler while doing a flip or somersault, with the feet coming up over the head and the body rotating around the axis of the waist. Using no hands


the move where a tumbler while doing a layout does a full twist salto and then lands

Double Full

the move where a tumbler does two full twist salto in the layout postion before you land.


the tumbler springs off the hands by putting the weight on the arms and using a strong push from the shoulders; can be done either forward or backward.


the move where a tumbler, after landing a tumbling move pushes up with the feet to prepare to do another tumbling move.


the move of an X-out is a back tuck, at the highest point of the tuck, the tumbler straddles his/her legs outward and arms in a high V or at their sides. This creates the X part. On their way down, they snap their arms and legs back into the layout position before they land.

Standing Back Tuck

Round off, Backhandspring, Back tuck


Front Tuck

Full Twist

Double Full Twist

Double Back Tuck

Double Layout