
Central Wildcat Cheerleaders

Cheer Motions

Stunt Positions





Tips On Jumps:

Jumps: When in the air keep the head up, and back straight. Looking down will cause the rest of the body to follow. Keep toes pointed at all times. This is very important for the visual appeal of the jump. Do not reach for the toes in jumps. If you touch the toes, it may stop the jump from achieving the hyper-extended position. Instead, reach for the inside of the shoe.

Many judges rather see great form over height with bad form. Keep that in mind when practicing. Always remember form over height! If correct form is used now, it will be easy to keep the form when jumps are higher!

Landing: Landing seems to be one part of jumping that people do not put a lot of emphasis on. However, landing is a very important part of the jump. Without a great landing, the whole jump can look awful.

Whip legs shut when coming down from a jump. Use the same, if not more power going into the jump. Do not float down from a jump. This could result in the famous "legs apart" landing.

When hitting the ground absorb the pressure through the balls of the feet. Avoid landing flat footed. If a loud thump is heard when landing, most likely something is wrong. When landing bend the knees to absorb some of the shock. Do not land with the knees locked. This is very dangerous.


Toe Touch

Arms are in a T. Legs rotate and the knees point to the sky. Eventually knees should point back, behind the jumper.  Do not reach for your toes reach for the inside of your ankles. Keep a straight back and sit  into the jump.

 Left Side Hurdler

Left leg is in toe touch position. Right leg is bent with knee facing forward. Right Side Hurdler would be the opposite of this.

Left Herkie

Left leg is in toe touch position. Right leg is bent with knee facing down. Right Herkie would be the opposite of this.

Left Herkie

 Spread Eagle

Body is in an X with arms in a High V. Legs go out as far as they can without lifting the knees up to the sky. Knees should face forward.

Spread Eagle

Double Nine

This jump is started in a touchdown motion facing the side
Whip your arms down, crossing in front of you
Bring your legs up, one straight out and the other bent in a "9"
Bend arms in "9"
**Make sure your arms and legs are bent in the same "9"


Double hook

This jumps is started in a high V
Whip your arms down in front of you
Bring your legs up with one bent in front and one bent to the side
**Keep your chest up**


 Arms go into a Buckets motion. Both legs stay together and are brought straight up parallel to the ground

Arms go into a T motion. Both knees bend and come in towards chest while feet come in front of hips. Back is kept straight and knees kept together. Point your toes.


Around the World
This jump combines the toe touch and the pike. First you go into the pike position, then open and rotate your hips outward, and sit into them bringing yourself into the toe touch straddle position. Arms go into Buckets position, then into a T motion. You must have a good pike, and toe touch to do this jump. Keep your head up, and toes pointed.