
Central Wildcat Cheerleaders

Cheer Motions

Stunt Positions




Stunt Positions

Bases- These are the people who hold and catch the flyer. Bases should always keep their eyes on the flyer.

Main Base- The base that has the most control of the stunt.

Side Base-  The base that assists the main who holds and catches the flyer.

Flyer- Is the person on top of the bases, this person should not be afraid to be up high or to fall. The flyer pull up through her shoulders and stomach.  She should tighten every muscle in her body. This takes some weight off of the bases and makes the stunts eaiser and more solid.

Spotters- Assist stunt groups in case a flyer falls they are there to help catch. The should always have there eyes on the flyer and follow where she may fall.

Back Spotter- This person helps the flyer get into the stunt. She catches the flyers upper body during a cradle. The spotter should NEVER take eyes off the flyer! The spotter must stay behind the stunt and help brace the back not under it like the bases.

Front Spotter-
Is a person who helps with a stunt from the front. They help lift by holding the bases wrists, help catch the legs in the cradle and help with basket tosses.